Looking for any relevant advice on avoiding bans these days since I've lost touch for awhile. Thank you.
Don't bot if you don't want to get banned. I don't think there is much difference on how to minimize the risk of getting banned now from when you were botting. It's most likely the same. Just don't be stupid and bot for a stupid amount of time.
The time theory is out right wrong. I could bot for 1 month 24/7 and get banned. Then I could bot for 2 month 12 hour a day and probably get banned 2 months later. In otherwords I SHOULD have just botted 24/7. I'm in it to sell gold and profit just enough to beat the ban and buy more game time/keys. I already do the basics.. 1 ip/vm per bot Fresh vm/ip every ban. Unless I start getting banned super quickly for 24/7 botting, no reason to stop.