Dear fellow members. I have been considering to bot for a while to cover a few small expenses as gametime in wow, new games and such. What I havn't been able to figure out is what's the most profitable way to do it, taken the risk into consideration as well. I therefore hope for a lille friendly and serious advice, if it's not asking for too much I have some statements which I would like you to comment on, or add to if possible. D3 VS WoW- WoW involves a bigger risk due to selling to goldsellers which may leave a track and get you banned. In Diablo there is the RMAH and therefore a lesser risk in selling the goods at least. - Diablo 3 is dying and therefore not very profitable. (seen different threads saying differently though) - Diablo 3 takes less time to profit on, where WoW requires a lot of processing goods a mining and herbs and such. Furthermore. In which game is it most easy to set up a bot from scratch includning leveling and gearing time? I don't know if this is all there is to it, but I would like to have a bit feedback from people with exp in doing both, or just from doing it in one of the games. Best regards!
for D3 it's easyer but you will get realy an few bug per week and in wow you will get few bugs per day
Okay so my experience with diablo has been alot better than wow. But i admit i spent more cash on my demonhunter than ive made so far, although i decided to sell some stuff i was stockpiling and made a little under 50$ yesterday (keep in mind it took weeks to gather items worth selling) most were 5-10$ and i had a kick ass ik belt sell for 33$ after fees i had 43$ and had an extra 7$ from gold i sold. So im on my way to getting my cash back for my dh gear. If i started selling sooner i mightve earned more cash. So yeah. I lost more money than i made but im an idiot and paid tons for my 320k dps dh. Wich im trying to sell and quit diablo cuz its eating away at my life. Maybe people say they earn more but for the average unlucky joe like me. 50$ a week or less is realistic. I dont think u should base ur pension plan on this.
I probably made about 500 USD the very honest way just playing the game a little with intent to cover the cost of purchase. Now I am on to botting and want to open my PayPal statements to share to help people make an informed decision to start Diablo 3 botting. Check out my first month statement at Diablo Bot: Profits Still Possible?.