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  • Botting Hardware Setup

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by dbrous, Jan 5, 2013.

    1. dbrous

      dbrous New Member

      Feb 6, 2012
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      I'm trying to run more bots on my shitty setup

      CPU: AMD phenom II x6 1055t 2.8 ghz
      RAM: 4 GB
      GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4800

      5 bots on lowest settings / sound off / smallest sized windows makes my computer lag like a bitch

      Should i make a hardware upgrade to run more bots or be able to use my computer while my bots are running? How much bandwidth does wow eat up will i still be able to stream movies etc?

      thanks in advance for the help
    2. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      If you are going to bot properly then you need a machine that only does botting.
      I use different computers for other things like playing games or watching movies, besides if your computer lags then so does your bots and then they won't be as good at making gold!

      I'd suggest a hardware upgrade especially for more RAM as that is a real pita.

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