Hi, my main system is an intel core2duo e8400 @ 3ghz with 8gb ram and a geforce 9600gt. When I start wow+hb 6x my cpu usage skyrockets and roughly 4gb ram are being used (incl. vista and so on). Now I'm planing to buy a bot pc to free up some recources - specs will be: athlon 2 x4 640 @ 3ghz geforce 9600gt 4-8gb ram How will this system (compared to my current) handle wow+hb 6x? Will it max out aswell / not handle it at all? Just asking to decide how much ram to purchase. Thanks in advance!
Why not spend a bit extra and get the 1090t x6? If you don't you'll do what I did and keep thinking you should of gotten it. Then you will get it and you'll of spent more Money than you needed to. Other than that you'll be fine running 6 bots.
Another question for those of you who execute many instances of wow (>6): How important is the graphics card and especially its RAM?
If you nuke your graphics settings via Rivatuner or Nvidia control panel or something, not very. Now I would link you to a guide on how to do this, but I lost the link a few weeks ago and was never able to find it again. If somebody knows what I'm talking about and are able to link to it, I will love you forever. It basicly reduces all the textures to the lowest possible level that can be forced by the drivers (so it's useless on a PC you actually want to play on, but great on a botting PC as it lessens the footprint of each WoW instance). I personally have never had issues with wow botting from a gfx card perspective, running 5 simultaneously on lowest allowable settings at 800x600, with each wow limited to 30fps.