Hello, I bought Honorbuddy lifetime last year and I haven't signed in awhile and I want to use it again but I can't get it to work. I bought it on this account and it won't authenicate. Am I missing to do something? It's been a long time since i have gotten on here.
i didn't lose my password, the honorbuddy bot won't authenticate with my log in. I bought it on THIS account, thus i have the information. I haven't been here for awhile and there's a lot of new stuff, so I wasn't sure if i needed to do something differently.
Invalid details msg means that you are trying to log using the wrong info Thats why i told ya to reset your pass,you have to know your shop/bot username tho
Oh oops, I misunderstood. that also gives me the error "Sorry, we cannot find any matching accounts for the criteria you submitted, please double check your information and try again." I have my e-mail address that should be linked to the account. Is there anyway that you would be able to find my username?
There was no receipt from the HB purchase from the website. The only receipt I have is the paypal one to Bossland. I'm pretty sure I use to use this account to sign into the bot.
Hello, sorry for this reply, but I don't want to make another topic just for one thing, when I'll buy Elite Edition with 1 session from honorbuddy.com, is it for 1 year or lifetime? and if it is for 1 year, where can I buy lifetime honorbuddy?