Well, I stoped using the bot for about 2 weeks, came back, had an update. so i downloaded it. now profiles i use to use before the update worked just fine, but now.. one of them, wich has a specific vendor set, will instead go to the middle of the farming spot it is in, searching for the vendor "ginmo" or whatever that guys name is, the little metal guy that is on the travlers tundra mammoth instead of going to the specific location/vendor set for it to go to. The other one, when going to one of its "hot spots" will get to the hot spot, stop, and stay in that spot untill it eventualy get's d/c'd from game for going afk... Should I try reinstalling HB or what?
start by re installing, and see if that does it for you, if you still have issues then post a full log as an attachment and ill take a look. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log.html
So far it seems to be working fine. Re-downloaded HB and the profile I was trying ot use, so far it hasn't just randomly stoped at any hotspots, i'll let it run for a bit, and if it stays working just fine i'll let this thread die.