Hello, I've been using HB for a while now and everything has worked great. I've recently run into a problem as of the release of HB3. I deleted my HB files just to get a fresh install of HB and now when I try to use the buddy installer the following happens: 1. Click download link (installer) 2. Save file 3. Run installer 4. Download to (xx folder) 5. HB Setup installed When I check my documents, for the folder that says was installed, it is now there. I've tried numerous times and the samething happens even if I try to change install location. I did try it with the zip and it worked however, when I went to select a profile, the only profile I seem to have from buddystore was my 1-100 leveling pack, my other paid profiles are missing. Any help will be greatly appreciated, Thank you.
Yes I did as mentioned above, I tried the zip file and the launcher worked but my profiles from the "Buddystore" dropdown menu where missing, all except the 1-100 leveling pack. Thank you,
Hey Tony, Sorry to keep this thread going I know you have a lot of support issues on your hands right now. I installed via the Zip File and I get a message in my log saying that I have modified the installation and forum support may not be available. I will attach the log. Thank you,