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    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by eepohno, May 13, 2014.

    1. eepohno

      eepohno Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      So..I found some profiles on the forums for grinding. Now I tried to make my own before had an issue where she would attack a mob and right after engage just run forever forward.

      it is happening with these profiles also randomly. Is there a setting I need to change to stop this from happening?

      I have tried making it so she will only rest at 1% health
      I have tried disabling the auto run button in the games settings..she just keeps running forward randomly

      So I stopped using Magitek and just used Kupo {sadly wont heal me with my cure cross over~} but for 20 mins now and no running off.
      Was the running off issue possibly just Magitek?
      Last edited: May 13, 2014
    2. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Magitek still doesnt support grinding as far as i know.
    3. Exmortem

      Exmortem Community Developer

      Mar 28, 2010
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      Correct, it has no movement code at all currently. It was mostly likely the cause of your issues.
    4. eepohno

      eepohno Member

      Jan 26, 2014
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      oh thank you both~~
    5. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      You can get Kupo to use your cross over cure, but it takes some manipulation of the Combat Routine itself in order to do. I'm currently at work, so I don't have access to be able to show you with code snippets, but basically if you take a look at the CNJ/WHM Routine, there should be 2 things that you will want to copy from that to whatever routine you want to use.

      1. There is a resting section that will tell the CNJ/WHM to use Cure on himself when he's "Resting". You want to copy that so that it reduces your downtime from Resting.

      2. In the actual Rotation for the CNJ/WHM, one of the top lines should be something to the tune of "Cast Cure on Core.Target.Me but only if I'm below "X"% HP". This is the line you want to copy and if you want to make sure that this is priority number 1, then just put it as the first line in your rotation.

      I have modified the basic Kupo Routines to do this and ever since, I spend a lot less time dead from mobs, plus I can kill things higher lvl than myself since I can heal through the damage. The trick to it will be to figure out when you want to fully rest so you can get full mana back because if you run out and can't heal yourself, then you'll die.
    6. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      So it looks like things have changed quite a bit since I last started changing the Kupo Routines, maybe Mastahg can verify that this would be correct...

      I'm going to look at modifying the PugilistMonk.cs file under the Rotations.

      I believe all you would have to do is add this bit of code before at line 59 (Between the CreateBasicPull and CreateBasicCombat):

      public Composite CreateBasicHeal()
      return new PrioritySelector(
      Cast("Cure", r => Core.Player.CurrentHealthPercent <= 40, r => Core.Player)

      That logic "should" use heal on yourself whenever you get <= 40% HP.

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