bonjour tout le monde! Alors voila n??tant pas un sp?cialiste du bot j'ai pas mal de difficult? a le faire fonctionner correctement pourriez-vous ?ventuellement m'?guiller. alors voila j'ai t?l?charger un profil "cava's" mais je n'arrive pas a le faire fonctionner. le soucis c'est que quand je le lance il me met imm?diatement une erreur... mon perso etant lvl 23. Thank you for taking the time to use Cava's profiles hope you like it Please reporte any bugs to help me improving this profiles Make sure you do the folowing: setup AutoEquip2 If you can, then please: Send some money to char at Lvl 12 and - set food and drinks as well Send bags to char at Lvl 12 and - equip the bags Config a mail recipient or some valuable itens will be destroid! (Settings and Tools Button). pour ceci j'ai bien regard? la case de AutoEquip2 est bien coch?e.. j'ai plus de 250po dessus j'ai de la nourriture j'ai des sac 14slots.... ensuite une fenetre s'ouvre et me demande d'arreter le bot et de continuer le profil, je continue il tente de charger des fichiers et me met... Update Status on Bot Start ---------------------------------- [AutoEquip]: You have not selected a weapon style yet. Please open the configuration and check your settings. ---------------------------------- Building Rotation base on current Talents and Glyphs...... ---------------------------------- Talent: [Soif du tigre] ---------------------------------- Glyphdetection - No Glyph in slot 1 Glyphdetection - No Glyph in slot 2 Glyphdetection - No Glyph in slot 3 Glyphdetection - No Glyph in slot 4 Glyphdetection - No Glyph in slot 5 Glyphdetection - No Glyph in slot 6 ---------------------------------- Glyph: ---------------------------------- Attached combat log ---------------------------------- Building Rotation Completed ---------------------------------- If you change Talent or Glyph, just click Class Config to rebuild rotation, restart Honorbuddy is not required. ---------------------------------- [AutoEquip]: You have not selected a weapon style yet. Please open the configuration and check your settings. [UserDialog-v241(user response) @line 7]: Continuing profile due to User request [LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 22]: Loading profile '..\Cava\Scripts\[H-Quest]Pandaren(1-12)[Cava].xml' Changing current profile to [H-Quest]Pandaren(1-12)[Cava] [Profile Message]: Compiling Pandaren (1-12) [AutoEquip]: You have not selected a weapon style yet. Please open the configuration and check your settings. [LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 1007]: Loading profile '[H-Quest]Northern Barrens(10-13)[Cava].xml' Changing current profile to [H-Quest]Northern Barrens(10-13)[Cava] [AutoEquip]: You have not selected a weapon style yet. Please open the configuration and check your settings. [UserDialog-v241(user response) @line 32]: Continuing profile due to User request Bot Stopped! Reason: Nothing more to do. Stopping bot. ce qui me titille c'est cette phrase "[AutoEquip]: You have not selected a weapon style yet. Please open the configuration and check your settings." je la comprend pas :/ s'il vous plait aidez moi
Si, j'ai une super id?e : upload ton log Concernant AutoEquip2, il faut que tu clique sur le plugin, en bas a gauche tu auras "Configuration", l? tu dois choisir ton style d'arme (avant derni?re ligne de la deuxi?me section)