Hi, this seems like a bug. ScriptHelpers.AbandonLowLevelQuests() will not only abandon low level quests, it will abandon all types of quests in quest log. This if from a level 100 char: <PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Die Rückkehr der Legion" QuestId="43926" GiverName="Auf Befehl des Kriegsh\u00e4uptlings" GiverId="206109" /> <PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Eine persönliche Einladung" QuestId="28790" GiverName="Auf Befehl des Kriegsh\u00e4uptlings" GiverId="206109" /> <PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Die Wächter des Hyjal: Der Ruf der Uralten" QuestId="29390" GiverName="" GiverId="" /> and all of them get abandoned, although 43926 is level 98 quest: The Legion Returns - Quest - World of Warcraft