Could someone upload a profile that does that for PB? You see I'm not entirely sure a how to make such a profile, but if I could see someone elses I could just edit the variables so that it would fit my needs. I've given it a try, but this profile doesn't work properly for some reason. It is supposed to have a minimum of mats in the bags at all times provided it can buy them for under the given price, and then always have two vellums in the bags and 2 on the AH of 3 different types, provided it has the mats to craft them. Also supposed to go get new mail whenever it has gotten one.
So you want a profile that. Buys stacks of X for the max amount of Y Go to mail and get all stacks of X Craft X into Z Put Z items onto AH If Z gets undercut cancel auctions and repost Repeat over and over ??
Yes. Only craft when needed though, when it doesn't have any (or only a few) vellums in neither the AH nor the bags.
I am making private profiles for ppl, so if you would be interested in such a thing - add me on Skype.