Hey guys.. i started new with HB maybe you know it allrdy.. my question was it is cheaper to buy lvl 80+ accs for 80-110 euro and grind them to 85 and farm with them.. or should i buy keys by myself and just give it time and later i will get 85 and going to farm.. ? if you know maybe good sites which sells eu accounts cheap pls tell me.. would take lvl50 + also
so i shouldn?t waste time and i should get rdy accounts to go farm ? and i got another question i dont know how you guys are handling that.. but are you playing 3+ accs on the same ip ?
if you want i have a account with 3 80's mage,pally,dk that i was going to use as a bot account. the mage has 410 tailoring the rest dont have profs cause they were just grinded to 80 and i dont want to buy gb to lvl prof and then sell the account. PM me if you are interested.