Hi, Deathsmind, This article answer our question, and many more related: BosslandGmbH:About Buddy Products Things to note: If the seller has several keys on one account, the Bossland GmbH 'front office' cannot split the key sold to you away from the sellers account. If this is the case, you should avoid the transaction completely. Once you can prove you are the owner of the key, you will need to contact the 'front office' and arrange to transfer ownership. It would be best to pre-arrange with the 'front office' before doing this. Contact them at support@thebuddyforum.com. Obviously, there is a HUGE amount of risk involved in such a transaction. The 'front office' will not help your or be a party to your transaction. If something goes wrong, it will be solely on you to sort it out. cheers, chinajade