I'm currently running on a Windows XP computer that was built in 2003 and has a hard time running WoW on the lowest possible graphics. (My good computer just completely burnt-out.) I am looking to purchase a new gaming computer with a budget of ~$750. (I only need a tower, already own monitor/mouse/keyboard.) The only problem is, I don't know much about computers or about purchasing computers. All I am going to be using this computer for is WoW. (Maybe a couple Steam games.) My old computer ran WoW on Good Graphics @ 45FPS and I payed about $600 for it. (I feel I was scammed.) I heard from a couple friends that newegg.com is a good site to look into, but I have no idea what to look for there. If anyone knows anything, or has any opinions, feel free to let me know. Thanks in advance.
Do you want to bot on it or do you want to actually play wow with it? Need a bit more information on exactly what you want to do with this as if its just a bot machine then you don't want to worry too much about the gfx card but if you want ultra graphics on wow then you need to splash some $ on that, so like I said give us a bit more to work with here.