Hello everyone, I am currently in talks on craigslist with someone moving away selling his alienware aurora pc, about 2-3 years old, includes wireless headphones, keyboard, and 21" dell screen. Specs are roughly i7 2600k, 560 ti, not sur
Maybe -no if its a laptop deff no they might be better now that there owned by dell but when i had one and they were not it was the biggest POS and waist of money i ever spent. if its a good price then maybe.
As Alienware is heavily overprice and i guess he calculates a price based on what he paid for it, it will be too much. Wouldn't do it.
I have had an alienware aurora (desktop) which i paid around 2k USD brand new, it was literally on for like 4 years. Used it for botting, programming, black hat marketing. Was a literal beast, i dont know how but the machine was working perfectly altogether. The specification it had, if i were to buy it part to part, were like 1.4k USD (apart from the monitor) but since the machine was working like a lighting i wouldnt mind paying a few hundred more.