Hey, I have 3 accounts 1. My main account that I never use at bot at all really don'y wanna get it banned. 2. A priest with Jewel / instript and also a hunter that farm herb/mines like 10hours a day 3. A level 1 rogue selling everything on AH Account 2-3 will not be any problem at all if they are getting banned but on account 1 I have Bs and Alchy. If I mail/trade items too them and make stuff and then trade/mail them too account 2-3 will I get banned on my account 1 then? Since I don't do any illigal on account 1... All 3 account is from my IP and in my NAME.
1 account cant ban another account just because of IP ... but the name .... same battlenet account? .. )) anyway ... Blizzz dosent ban all of your account just because one "got hacked"
Put all on same bnet in real name easier to get bk if u get locked /banned and they can ban through assocation ie shuffling etc