Hi everyone, Like i said in my title, I would like to find some decks to up rank (rank 10 and more) I tried all the deck in the hearthbuddy guid but nothing.. always stuck between rank 20 and 18. I don't understand why but it's like that, maybe the decks are too old. Thank you in advance if somebody arrived to go rank 10 and more to let me know what deck is
Hi Ahbeng, I saw your deck, looks like the only one viable in the forum but the only class where i miss card (like the legendary pala and the epic weapon) I have a lot of cards in all deck and neutral. But pala is the class i played the less. So i just ask for all another class ^^ But yeah, i know you'r deck looks like to be the only one to work atm. btw Thx for your work. Just sad to can't use it.
Ahh, well, stay tuned! In 4 days or so my Druid deck should be on point. ^_^ Maybe you'll have the requirements for that. No Druid specific legendary at this point.
This is the deck I started using about a week ago https://gyazo.com/c18703ccb71e1b959be432aeb1ee6b11 went from rank 17 to rank 5
Can't find it, could you please link it? I've been searching in your forum posts and it doesn't appear.
NachoBot, It should be in the mid-range pally threads. That was some time ago. I kind of abandoned that project because it bored me. Working on a mix of Druid and Priest, but I don't really post anything anymore because the forum died.
I noticed that the frum kinda died, I am new in the forum though and pretty active, looking forward to meeting someone with interest too. If I learned, I could also program some decks.
Well, the info is all out there, go forth and find it. Most of the decks we put together is copying something popular, and tweaking it so the cards that the bot doesn't handle properly is removed. Go nuts.