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  • Can someone please make a PB profile for archaeology!

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by EliaBerg, Jan 23, 2014.

    1. EliaBerg

      EliaBerg Member

      Feb 22, 2010
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      Hi, can someone please write a PB script that will trade Archaeology Restored Artifacts for Dwarven CRATES and solve the fragments please! I have all the necessary macros.
      Note: The bot would probably require ARCHY-addon in order to work, unless HB internal fragment solver that uses keystones can be used.

      The bot should roughly do the following:
      1: Create a repeating loop for steps 2 until 8 (Preferably while loop)​
      2: Cast Macro that buys and opens CRATES
      /run BuyMerchantItem(5,1)           
      /use item:87537
      3: Wait 1 second
      4: Uses addon spell to solve fragment (If possible checks if I have enough fragments to solve first, otherwise just spams it)​
      /archy solve stone
      5: Checks if bot is casting solve or any other spell. If not
      6: Casts sell all grays, my macro for it is​
      /script for bag = 0,4,1 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); 
      if name and string.find(name,"ff9d9d9d") then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Selling "..name); UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end; end; end
      7: Checks if there are any CRATES left.​
      8: If yes repeats the loop!
      9: If no: Stops the bot!
      The profile will probably require user to manually open a trade window with Archaeology Trainer (Brann Bronzebeard) in order for bot to work.
      I'm hoping for the profile to yield quite a few 375 GOLD RINGS for profit, could even be kept or traded on AH for higher price as they're great for realm transfers.

      Would gladly buy one or few beers for people who take their time to make this profile. I spent a lot of hours trying to find a file to modify that could do this, but no luck. Would be glad to see what the end file looks like! :cool:


      Thanks for reading! EE :D
    2. KissMe4711

      KissMe4711 New Member

      Jun 18, 2013
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      I dont understand for what you need this.

      I use ArchaeologyBot, an WoW Addon that sell gray stuff automatic, HB Plugin archaeolgy hearthomatic ( faster travelling ), and start the bot in Eastern Kingdom?s or Kalimdor - and work for hours without problems. I?ve also use HB Plugin Pokebuddy - works fine.
    3. EliaBerg

      EliaBerg Member

      Feb 22, 2010
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      it's not for levelling, but for trading in the crates

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