Like this thread If the person who locked it had read the posts in the thread he would've seen that thread was a discussion about the game So please read the posts in the thread too and not only the title Thanks !
The person who locked the thread has probably seen only Tony's post with the explanation and said ok explanation given => locked . but we weren't discussing the reasons for rift bot not available but the rift game !
discussions about a bot we dont offer anymore or about a bot we wont offer in the future have no place on our boards anyways
I get that and no issues there . bossland is a company and the bot decisions are first and foremost business decisions (whatever the reason) But i assure you i wasn't hiddenly trying to ask for a bot we were simply discussing the game(after your post) even if referencing bots because bots or the idea of botting is present in any online game(for several reasons grind, in game or outside of the game wealth etc) and does not have negative effects only on the contrary real example D3 instead of quitting you continue to play it with bots , it allowed some people in wow to pay for their gametime etc so in a way bots make games better (if controlled not necessarily legitimized )