Didn't get the problem is... "Could not connect to the remote host Unable to connect to the Buddy servers. Please check your internet connection and firewall." The log file: [23:03:07.096 N] Honorbuddy v3.0.16582.869 started. [23:03:09.541 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Initializing bots [23:03:09.543 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<CombatRoutine> - Initializing routines [23:03:11.108 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - Initializing plugins [23:13:20.540 N] Logging in... [23:13:41.742 Q] Could not connect to the remote host Unable to connect to the Buddy servers. Please check your internet connection and firewall.
No, i can't log in using VPN but I don't want to take the risk and use the app without it. The question is why the VPN is blocking HB and how i can connect to it using VPN connection, provided that the game connect is fine.