Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Starting HS in Window Mode, then HearthB, Start practice - but its in all modes - game starts - cant drag cards log looks like: [21:14:50.984 N] Hearthbuddy is up to date! [21:14:51.387 D] Initializing hooks. [21:14:51.402 D] Attached to process 11788 [21:14:51.402 D] Initialized! [21:14:53.584 N] Starting the bot! [21:15:00.767 N] Starting practice game against with deck 33148642 [21:15:15.900 N] Finished our turn. [21:15:15.919 N] Finished doing mulligan! [21:15:24.463 N] Grabbing card: The Coin [21:15:24.496 N] Dropping currently held card! [21:15:24.660 N] Grabbing card: The Coin [21:15:24.662 N] Dropping currently held card! [21:15:24.811 N] Grabbing card: The Coin [21:15:24.812 N] Dropping currently held card! [21:15:24.961 N] Grabbing card: The Coin
Same here, also, very little logic is being used, it's trying to play the coin when it has literally nothing it can do with the coin. EDIT:- Starting it in a casual PVP game and hitting start worked for one turn, then it got stuck again. It also played the coin on turn #1, then placed a 1 cost card, and, ended the turn. EDIT2:- Works for the single turn the bot was started on, then fails next turn, so requires you to keep restarting it.
noticed this happening, and noticed when your mouse is on the play field already it will drop the card fine.
Read the thread, hearthbuddy currently can not drag cards. You need to build a deck without targetting cards.
sorry, you do not understand what is going on in this thread. 'dragging cards', or "[21:15:24.463 N] Grabbing card: The Coin" and "Dropping currently held card!" as it states in the log posted refers to a standard placing of a card on the game board. "The Coin" also does not have any on drop targeting which you are worried about.
Attach a logfile please. No copy&paste of the error. Logfile can be found in the bot folder under /Logs. Only bug reports with a valid logfile will be investigated!
View attachment Bot 3912 2014-04-04 20.53.txt this shows it looping trying to grab and drop the same card multiple times in a row, until I moved my cursor to the field and it succeeded. this log file also contains '[Mulligan] Replacing card:' which it doesn't actually do.
Ah okay I also noticed this problem. For me it happens when my mouse hovers over the hearthbuddy window. When I put the mouse outside of the window it doesn't happen. Edit: nvm it also happens without the mouse being in the window.