Hello all, I bought Buddywing today after having a great experience with Honorbuddy; however, so far I having difficulties with Buddywing. I'm attaching my log, but the gist is this: I can load profiles, and the bot will even run some of them, but it will not execute any combat actions. It basically stands there and slowly dies until I jump in and finish combat. I was hoping to use this bot sort of like LazyRaider, where it does the combat for me in FPs and OPs. What am I doing wrong? View attachment 2013-02-27 22.41.txt
I suspect your issue relates to using the Default Combat routines. Try downloading either Wing It or Joe's (both found here in the forum) and see if one of those fixes the problem. Good luck! -D
I downloaded WingIt directly from the SVN, but there aren't any clear instructions about where to place the files. When I put the SVN directory in the Routines folder I get crazy error messages. I can see in the WingIt folders there is also a Routines folder-- do I just cut/paste that? Basically, where do I put all the WingIt stuff in my Honorbuddy folder? Thanks!
For Wing It, it does go directly into the Routines folder, next to the Default Combat folder. When starting BW, you should see log messages indicating that Wing It is being loaded.
When I did that I just got a bunch of error messages. I'm going to try JoeBrewski's and report back if I'm still having issues. Thanks for the quick replies Developer!
Here are the error messages I'm getting related to WingIt: View attachment WingIt errors.txt It loaded JoeBrewski's combat routines just fine, but WingIt is still giving me those errors.
It looks like your spec would need some editing to function correctly with Wing It. I'm using a customized Wing It spec myself for Trooper. Anyway, hopefully Joe's will do the trick. Cheers!