Subj. I had 5-bot one year access, but every time I log on to auth portal it showed me nothing under any section. Now they are expired and he doesn't show them either in 'expired'. I wished to upgrade my access to lifetime - now it's hardly possible, but that's not the issue. I just want my auth portal access to work correctly. I logged in with e-mail I used to buy my 5-bot session and when merge was I merged accounts as was instructed. Bots worked correctly and fine until expiration, but never showed on auth portal. Is there way to fix this?
Bossland GmbH Look in this site. Only newer purchases are keys. Older users will find most info in that site.
Yes, thank you. That's it. It does not show anything under 'services', but at least I got my account.
Then you are kinda welcome. If you have any other questions feel free to continue to use this thread. Tony will have a look at it sometime, he checks all new posts when he gets on, and any more in-depth questions will have to be handled by him. I don't work for GmbH.