Hey I've only had some Honor farming experience + some grinding for leveling my characters. Now i want to start using Gatherbuddy. Can you guys tell us what's worth grinding now, since cataclysm has launched and prices go through the roof? What professions would be suggested (mining, herbs, skinning, ...) and maybe profiles? Still selling on AH or privae and how can you find private peeps without putting the good old accounts in danger? Greetz and Thanks
Kinda lazy, don't you think... bit of reading would give you the answer. Besides there is no 1 correct answer as it depends from server to server. Oh and netiquette does not require your forum posts to begin with a salutation and end with a greeting. fyi
There is a lot of information on these boards. Take a look around, click many links and find many answers =)
K, no more hello's and thanks anymore then. Thought it was kinda polite but guess that's not the case. I've done some searching but don't have that much time since i work 15h/day in my irl business aka restaurant. Sorry if my question seemed lazy. Just thoughed it could be some nice topic where peeps could post their thoughts and stuff.
Most people are pretty protective about their farming spots.. More often then not once you make something public, it is farmed to death in less then no time.
Just check the market for like 30 minutes for cataclysm materials and you'll figure out what's best to farm. Currently, i'm just farming in mount hyjal with tony's profile using GB. I have herbalism and mining professions wise. If you got any crafting professions and some time to spare, you can double the income if not triple =) And well..for private clients, you just need to shout for a while on the trade channel that you're selling xxx in bulk, if someone is interested, they'll contact you. Just be ready with some creative answer for the usual question "How did you farm all that?" =)
Haha - I hope you're joking. No, it is not required - but it is certainly very welcome. You're giving me the impression that you believe it is directly wrong to do it, but it certainly is not.