it means there was an update to warden, this could cover anything from buddy products to new hacks that have popped up since cataclysms launch. ether way the buddy devs will be looking very closely at it and figuring out what it does, and if its something that targets buddy products how to get around it and keep everyone safe. ether way its on the PTR meaning its still at least a few weeks off, so you shouldn't worry about it. theres no use worrying over something you cant control and blizzard is one of those things.
Will the login servers be taken down when patch 4.0.6 comes out? I'd like to be sure that I'm safe, and not pull something stupid like logging in the same day the patch comes out without knowing it. --Beetle
thats up to the developers if there's a significant change to warrant them tanking down the login servers then they will. Account safety is of prime concern. but they wont be able to tell whats going on till the they get the patch in their hands.
Well its probably best to log into wow and see if there's a patch and just play it by ear. One of the mods will probably give an official status update when the time comes. Whether or not you trust their judgment and start botting right away or wait a bit is up to you.
While we appreciate every effort to help, there is no need. After any patch, we wait until we are ready before enabling the login servers.
which countermeasures have been implemented in HB & GB to address this ? Don't we use LUA Snippets and calls to DoLuaString() in both Bots ? as far as i recall it ... Nesox once used this to check for "full inventory" in MrFishIt. or don't we have to care about this ... because HB & GB use completely other methods ?