I sent an email address last night to support w/ my email address explaining that the key I was just given does not work. I was sent an email saying that they key works. Well I tried again today and it still doesn't work. I was banned for 5 minutes after trying to log in using it too many times. View attachment Hearthbuddy 484868 2014-12-30 19.52.txt
I did that and it still does not work. I tried contacting support and they told me to post here. So far I have not received any help or a working product. This is really unprofessional especially when you're charging someone for something without first letting them try it. Can I either get a working key, have this issue fixed, or my money back. That's all I'm asking
2014-12-31 00:52:12,165 [1] DEBUG Logger (null) - Invalid product key! this means you are not using the correct key if payment support told you that your key works,then its a user issue make sure you are using your key properly,do not copy/paste it type it
Hi, i got the same problem here. Ordered last week a licence with 1 month runtime and its wont work since a few days... In Log On - Buddy Auth Portal i got this... I buyed the key 26.12.14.... 26.12.14 Should be the shortest Month in my live -.- What can i do?