Hello, I have a problem, I am botting my Gnome Mage, and when he tries to attack someone, he walks to the Quest or Quest item whilst trying to attack, and it looks very bottish, any help on how to fix?
omg says this Changing current profile to Aliance Questing 1-60 by Nuok v3 Could not find a routine fitting for your class. Please make sure you have a proper combat class routine in your folder, and restart Honorbuddy.
you have to download it via svn you will find the svn link on Singular and here is the svn guide http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/26031-[videoguide]-how-svn-jvidia.html
Hello, i managed to get the singular one to work, now its presses frostbolt and constantly presses it and interupting itself so nothing happens..