Earlier I made a thread where I said I had solved this issue. However it appears to have come back on my DK. I keep flying around not targeting anything. I have tried that same things that I did when I "fixed" it such as a clean reinstall and clearing the caches of both the bot and the game. View attachment 7700 2016-08-09 03.21.txt
I did that and my DK still flies around doing nothing. The only time the bot attacks is when the character is dismounted from an attack. View attachment 1184 2016-08-10 11.22.txt
I havent got any logs but it happens on alot of quests. I made a new dranei shammy and it even gets stuck on the starter quests. It works fine on alot of quests though and randomly it'll get stuck.
This is a Blizzard-end issue affecting a lot of the quests currently. I'm in the process of fixing every quest affected by it, but Blizzard themselves should be 'fixing' it soon as well. For your 9176 log, I've fixed the quest that was giving you issue in the latest update (r. 5066) If you have any other issues like this, feel free to report them to the questing thread here: Official Questing Pack All you'll need to do is report the name of the quest you're having issues with and I should be able to fix it within minutes assuming I'm online. Thanks for your report!