hello. I got this text and hb doesn`t want to load. It loads only if I disable ALL plugins at Buddy Store but if I choose one of them - HB stucks forever. View attachment 7372 2016-08-16 04.41.txt help plz
[01:41:38.625 D] Buddy Store plugin 'theTramper whispery' failed to load with following errors are you sure everything is disabled? also clear your Bstore cache Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Cache corruption problems - The Buddy Wiki
If you disable everything and remove the store cache this must work. Delete all folders in C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local starting with "Bossland". Make sure the bot is closed before you do so.
did Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Cache corruption problems - The Buddy Wiki - did + reinstalled HB nothing changed - if I disable ALL plugins - HB loads, if I enable only 1 - HB doesn`t.
"theTramper_recorder" is the problem. Make sure to turn of everything in the Buddystore. Download HB archive (.zip) file and extract it to a new folder. Remove local store cache file and then start HB as admin