So, today a questing profile named Questing OrderAlen521-Horde 68-80 got posted in the Honorbuddy section. I ran it, and it worked flawlessly. It worked so damn good, that I started to get really curious about who actually made the damn thing, since no one really knows. So, I did some googling for Alen521, and guess what came up? Alen521 is the moderator of a HB/GB forum located here: Code: Now, using google translate (the website is in chinese, go figure) I found my way to their forums. There's not much on them, but seeing as the Moderator of the entire thing joined on 2010-08-24 , I'm guessing it's a fairly new website. Now, the reason why I made this post is because maybe Bossland wants to take a good look at their website, I'm not sure if they resell HB/BG (which would be such a big scam), but if they do, down they must go. Or pay bossland! Greetings, nab
eew chinese honorbuddy. Bad enough the chinese have to much gold stock as it is. CURSE YOU CHINESE TAKING AWAY MY BUISNESS!!!! xD
i read about the chinese website, they sounds like they got approval from the boss himself (or not) the chinese forum owner did meantion "A bot made by renowned bot maker from Europe, continues the legacy of Glider" (self translate, but that how it sounds) probably a website dedicated for chinese wow with chinese interface HB/GB and chinese wow for the chinese user... Bossland probably made a deal with em(or not) and thinking of expanding the business~
hehe i managed to join the forums and even find a horde 58-70 questorder profile done by him it seems.
How much are they charging for it? and im presuming its licensed but it would be interesting if it wasnt.
this is HB & GB affiliate website,they are promoting and provide support for chinese speaking user i think ---- visit
I also downloaded the 58-70 profile and its pretty much just a copy of the horde quest order one here. Exact same quests and same order.