If you read about most of the bans from HB, the reasoning given by Blizzard has something to do with exploiting the economy.. So using GB2 getting a ton of ore, and herbs flooding the AH for days and days... Do we know or do you think the risk is significantly lowered by selling to in game players through COD? Might take a pay cut but unloading to another member imo seems better than AH?
I remember never touching the AH and using C.O.D only, sadly even though I made a plugin and sent to multiple people and even limited the amounts of stacks I sent you can still get banned just takes a bit longer. The people you send to know you're botting and probably report you, also... when you ask in trade to get people then everyone knows you're a botter because barely anyone uses C.O.D apart from botters (mostly).. especially if you say "WTS Ghost Iron Ore, over 50 stacks" or something similar, I did and got called out lol.
Good things to keep in mind, I would assume the people you sending too would be less likely to report you because they are getting ore/herbs cheaper than AH why ruin a good thing... Thought trade chat is a good thing to think about...
I would never trust anyone with COD. 1.) what's to stop them from reporting you? 2.) they could be a lurking bot hunter. 3.) shuffling / professions yields better gold. Call me paranoid but nothing screams "BOT" than people advertising for COD supply / demand.
I've actually come to the point where I buy ore from bots and shuffle with bot and still make 10k+ a day with 8hrs /played