Does anyone know of a reputable Coldfusion web host out there. I just need a place to practice writing web apps and such. Ive got a server set up on my computer but Having the server and Dev on my machine is causing a ton of issues. Any info would be appreciated.
Create a VM for the server, and/or the workstation you use to test it with. That way you aren't installing any crap on your main PC that can't be gotten rid of very easily.
Just something I am interested in Learning. I've never really had a chance to sit down and play with it and learn it. If there are any resources you can point me too for a noobie? There seems to be alot of really useful things I can do with it for myself and such. Thank you for all yer help. Rick
i still have my Cold Fusion books.. but i dont think that'll help you... CF is a really easy language to learn, especially if you have ANY programming experience at all.
Well I just bought cf 9 book from half Just waiting for it to come in. The biggest issue I am facing atm is my server and dev stuff isnt really working together very well. Im half curious if I install the server software on another computer on my network if I will actually be able to connect to it and such.
To be honest, you'd be better off learning something else than Cold Fusion - really didn't know people still use that. Install windows in a virtual machine (vmware) and make that your CF server.