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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by LostWitness, Mar 14, 2013.

    1. LostWitness

      LostWitness New Member

      Mar 12, 2013
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      It is impossible for me to determine which log to post, so obviously I havent posted one. I have a total of about 10 for a 6hrs period last night and I cant remember exactly what time I got 'stuck' at. But it shouldnt be too big an issue because all Im looking for are pointers. If it becomes an issue then I will make sure to grab the log.

      I made my own GB profile using my own routes. At one point I got into a fight, there were enemies nearby and at that spot I was still in combat when all the closest were killed. GB sat there, I moved and then it immediately went onto my mount when I came out of combat. So I guess that all the time it was trying to mount but couldnt. Is there anyway to avoid this? He should have probably cleared the area first, that would have solved the problem. Im pretty sure it was an enemy behind an object that was left.

      When using talented are there any specific setups you should have for your class? I see a part that has a list of and was wondering if I should set accordingly. Can I choose what is used to fight with?

      Last but not least; who do I message or email about something that may make HB or one of its plugins identifiable? I could post in suggestions, but ummm, lets not ... Yea Im the new guy and only just started playing WoW but I have years of EvE bot experience with zero warnings behind me.
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you can clear your log file and create new log files that showing the error

      also for your suggestion you can contact with us at support@thebuddyforum.com

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