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  • Coming off 6 month ban only to be banned again.

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Chronox, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. Chronox

      Chronox New Member

      Sep 15, 2014
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      So No shit I came back about a month ago... Opened 2 new accounts when the battle chests went on sale, raf'd with a couple friends and have been playing on those toons getting them up and into garrisons. I HAVE NOT OPENED OR UPDATED HONORBUDDY, all 3 accounts are banned now, the previously banned one for 18 months and the other 2 for 6 months. Contacted Blizzard to ask what the fuck, and they told me that even if the program is on your computer still that their security department can see that weather I have opened and ran it or not. Waiting to get a response to the appeal, I don't know weather to call BS on that statement that they are just looking through my computer at programs I have installed or not, but if they are I'm pretty sure that is illegal and not part of their TOA.

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