Right now there is a long timer before it concedes the next match. Is there a way to edit that timer so it goes much faster? In the game conceding works even before mulligan. It would make games go much faster. Any reason for the random timer? Perhaps I'm missing something.
In the log I see a timer. Here is an example from right now: [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] The next concede delay was rolled to be 18869 [15000 - 30000]. [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] We need to wait 18869 ms still before we can concede. [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer. [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] We need to wait 18833 ms still before we can concede. [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer. [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] We need to wait 18801 ms still before we can concede. [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer. It keeps going till the countdown runs out. Clearly somewhere it is programmed to roll a random number with values of 15000 and 30000 and wait that long.
Hi drdraxx, if you open the "Settings\<configuration name>\DefaultBot.json" file when the bot is closed, you can edit the wait timer for those concede values: AutoConcedeMinDelayMs AutoConcedeMaxDelayMs Just change it to something lower, save, and restart the bot. Make sure the Max is above the Min, and do some tests to make sure your new settings work the same and you should be good to go.