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  • Constant Crashing

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by CJF077, Jun 13, 2014.

    1. CJF077

      CJF077 New Member

      Dec 22, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Since updating to the latest version have had constant crashing..

      Some info from the log is below:

      [23:52:37.952 N] Hearthbuddy 0.2.395.76 starting.
      [23:52:38.326 N] Attempting to log in...
      [23:52:39.598 N] T: 5247067294011151415 H: 3124366464
      [23:52:40.354 N] Login successful!
      [23:52:40.561 N] Hearthbuddy 0.2.395.76 starting...
      [23:52:40.564 N] CPU Architecture: x64
      [23:52:40.564 N] Process Architecture: x86
      [23:52:40.564 N] OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
      [23:52:40.564 N] .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.34014
      [23:52:40.564 N] CPU Cores: 4
      [23:52:40.564 N] Application Path: C:\Hearthbuddy 0.2.395.76
      [23:52:40.567 N] Checking for updates...
      [23:52:41.584 N] Exception while checking for updates!
      [23:52:41.633 D] System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
         at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
         at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
         --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
         at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
         at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
         at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
         at ..Ž(MainWindow )
      [23:52:41.633 N] Initializing Triton...
      [23:52:42.300 D] Attaching to Hearthstone with PID 5276
      [23:52:42.462 D] Initializing Mapping system.
      [23:52:42.532 D] Initializing hooks.
      [23:52:42.563 D] Attached to process 5276
      [23:52:42.563 D] Initialized!
      [23:53:38.512 N] Starting the bot!
      [23:53:41.132 N] Starting unranked game using deck with ID 93632855.
      [23:54:23.204 N] Selecting starting hand..
      [23:54:31.295 N] Selected my starting hand!
      [23:54:59.659 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:54:59.770 N] 	Should we play coin ? There will be 2 cards avaible once coin played
      [23:54:59.788 N] 		Priority of card Frostwolf Grunt is : Normal
      [23:54:59.788 N] 		Priority is at least normal & we dont have other cards with this priority => play coin to use it
      [23:54:59.789 N] 	Card The Coin has an ULTRA priority!
      [23:54:59.879 N] Grabbing card: The Coin
      [23:55:01.064 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [23:55:03.548 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:55:03.572 N] 	Card Frostwolf Grunt has a normal priority
      [23:55:03.639 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      [23:55:03.649 N] Grabbing card: Frostwolf Grunt
      [23:55:04.765 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [23:55:07.051 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:55:14.476 N] Ending turn.
      [23:55:14.476 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [23:55:49.796 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:55:49.821 N] 	Card Frostwolf Grunt has a normal priority
      [23:55:49.836 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      [23:55:49.857 N] Grabbing card: Frostwolf Grunt
      [23:55:50.969 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [23:55:53.312 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:56:00.736 N] Ending turn.
      [23:56:00.736 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [23:57:06.287 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:57:06.370 N] 	Card Northshire Cleric has a normal priority
      [23:57:06.440 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      [23:57:06.731 N] 	Card Shattered Sun Cleric has a low priority
      [23:57:06.741 N] 	Card Silverback Patriarch has a low priority
      [23:57:06.752 N] Grabbing card: Northshire Cleric
      [23:57:07.870 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [23:57:10.292 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:57:10.370 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      [23:57:10.380 N] Grabbing card: Lesser Heal
      [23:57:12.075 N] Targeting card: Anduin Wrynn
      [23:57:13.799 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:57:15.015 N] Attacking Gul'dan with Frostwolf Grunt
      [23:57:20.715 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:57:28.138 N] Ending turn.
      [23:57:28.138 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [23:57:56.577 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:57:56.712 N] 	Card Shattered Sun Cleric has a low priority
      [23:57:56.728 N] 	Card Silverback Patriarch has a low priority
      [23:57:56.731 N] 	Card Bloodfen Raptor has a low priority
      [23:57:56.784 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      [23:57:57.033 N] Grabbing card: Shattered Sun Cleric
      [23:57:58.148 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [23:57:58.711 N] Targeting card: Northshire Cleric
      [23:58:04.432 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:58:05.601 N] Attacking Gul'dan with Northshire Cleric
      [23:58:11.287 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:58:12.451 N] Attacking Gul'dan with Frostwolf Grunt
      [23:58:18.120 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:58:25.547 N] Ending turn.
      [23:58:25.547 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [23:59:04.002 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:59:04.023 N] 	Card Bloodfen Raptor has a low priority
      [23:59:04.042 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      [23:59:04.104 N] 	Card Silverback Patriarch has a normal priority
      [23:59:04.126 N] 	Card Sen'jin Shieldmasta has a low priority
      [23:59:04.136 N] Grabbing card: Silverback Patriarch
      [23:59:05.270 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [23:59:07.830 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:59:07.933 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      [23:59:07.960 N] 	Card Bloodfen Raptor has a low priority
      [23:59:07.972 N] Grabbing card: Bloodfen Raptor
      [23:59:09.101 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [23:59:11.394 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:59:12.600 N] Attacking Gul'dan with Northshire Cleric
      [23:59:18.285 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:59:20.597 N] Attacking Gul'dan with Shattered Sun Cleric
      [23:59:26.313 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [23:59:33.674 N] Ending turn.
      [23:59:33.674 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [00:00:24.507 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:00:24.723 N] 	Card Holy Smite has a high priority!
      [00:00:24.752 N] 	Card Sen'jin Shieldmasta has a normal priority
      [00:00:24.783 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      [00:00:24.799 N] Grabbing card: Holy Smite
      [00:00:26.722 N] Targeting card: Murloc Tidecaller
      [00:00:32.285 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:00:32.314 N] 	Card Sen'jin Shieldmasta has a normal priority
      [00:00:32.360 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a low priority
      [00:00:32.370 N] Grabbing card: Sen'jin Shieldmasta
      [00:00:33.491 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [00:00:35.778 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:00:37.005 N] Attacking Voidwalker with Northshire Cleric
      [00:00:42.568 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:00:49.952 N] Ending turn.
      [00:00:49.952 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [00:01:14.017 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:01:14.054 N] 	Card Bloodfen Raptor has a low priority
      [00:01:14.136 N] 	Card Lesser Heal has a normal priority
      [00:01:14.148 N] Grabbing card: Lesser Heal
      [00:01:15.886 N] Targeting card: Northshire Cleric
      [00:01:21.667 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:01:21.707 N] 	Card Bloodfen Raptor has a low priority
      [00:01:21.737 N] Grabbing card: Bloodfen Raptor
      [00:01:22.863 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [00:01:25.345 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:01:26.701 N] Attacking Tauren Warrior with Sen'jin Shieldmasta
      [00:01:32.264 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:01:33.612 N] Attacking Voidwalker with Northshire Cleric
      [00:01:39.216 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:01:40.995 N] 	Card Mind Blast has a very low priority
      [00:01:41.047 N] Grabbing card: Mind Blast
      [00:01:42.169 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [00:01:44.506 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [00:01:51.908 N] Ending turn.
      [00:01:51.908 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [00:02:27.119 N] If our computations are good : we can kill hero. Lets try it ;) 
      [00:02:27.131 N] Grabbing card: Mind Blast
      [00:02:28.255 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [00:02:29.396 N] Grabbing card: Elven Archer
      [00:02:30.529 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [00:02:31.094 N] Targeting card: Gul'dan
      [00:02:31.692 N] Attacking Gul'dan with Bloodfen Raptor
      [00:02:53.445 D] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent_was_never_fired
         at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout)
         at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
         at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected(IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args)
         at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected[T](IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoNative.[](IntPtr , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoNative.—(IntPtr , IntPtr ˜, Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.(String ”Ž, MonoTypeEnum[] , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.(String ”Ž, MonoTypeEnum[] , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.(String ”Ž, Object[] ˆ)
         at Œ.›.Ž()
         at ˜..()
         at ˜..()
      [00:02:53.444 D] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent_was_never_fired
         at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout)
         at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
         at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected(IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args)
         at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected[T](IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoNative.[](IntPtr , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoNative.—(IntPtr , IntPtr ˜, Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.(String ”Ž, MonoTypeEnum[] , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.(String ”Ž, MonoTypeEnum[] , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.(String ”Ž, Object[] ˆ)
         at Œ.›.Ž()
         at ˜..()
         at ˜..()
      [00:02:53.451 D] Exception occured in coroutine: ˜.: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent_was_never_fired
         at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout)
         at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
         at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected(IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args)
         at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected[T](IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoNative.[](IntPtr , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoNative.—(IntPtr , IntPtr ˜, Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.(String ”Ž, MonoTypeEnum[] , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.(String ”Ž, MonoTypeEnum[] , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.(String ”Ž, Object[] ˆ)
         at Œ.›.(™ )
         at ˜..ˆ.()
         at Triton.Bot.Coroutine.(Object& )
         --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
         at Triton.Bot.Coroutine.(Object& )
         at Triton.Bot.Coroutine.()
         at ˜.ˆ.()
         at ˜.š˜.—˜(Object ˜˜)
      What can I do to fix this?
    2. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      u cant do nothing til hank fix it i gues its an R6025 when the enemy concede sometimes right?
    3. kispy

      kispy New Member

      May 10, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Yeah!!!!MY bot crash when the opponent concede at the beginning ..Can the team fix that?
    4. WhereIsMyMind

      WhereIsMyMind Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Trophy Points:
      Getting crashes as well :( Managed 36 games, sometimes much less, before a crash.

      [21:29:36.593 N] We've won. Great job!
      [21:29:46.448 D] Exception occured in coroutine: ˜.: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at ˜.ˆ.()
         at ˜.ˆ.™.()
         at Triton.Bot.Coroutine.(Object& )
         --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
         at Triton.Bot.Coroutine.(Object& )
         at Triton.Bot.Coroutine.()
         at ˜.ˆ.()
         at ˜.š˜.—˜(Object ˜˜)
      [21:29:46.545 N] Starting unranked game using deck with ID 91493404.
      [21:30:29.110 N] Selecting starting hand..
      [21:30:34.190 N] Replacing Fire Elemental in starting hand.
      [21:30:38.110 N] Selected my starting hand!
      [21:30:59.547 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [21:30:59.587 N] 	Should we play coin ? There will be 1 cards avaible once coin played
      [21:30:59.590 N] 		Priority of card Flametongue Totem is : Low
      [21:30:59.591 N] 	Card The Coin must be ignored
      [21:30:59.592 N] 	Card Murloc Raider has a low priority
      [21:30:59.598 N] Grabbing card: Murloc Raider
      [21:31:00.711 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [21:31:03.017 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [21:31:03.054 N] 	Should we play coin ? There will be 0 cards avaible once coin played
      [21:31:03.054 N] 	Card The Coin must be ignored
      [21:31:06.501 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [21:31:06.537 N] 	Should we play coin ? There will be 0 cards avaible once coin played
      [21:31:06.538 N] 	Card The Coin must be ignored
      [21:31:10.499 N] Ending turn.
      [21:31:10.499 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [21:31:27.658 N] Bot has stopped.
      [22:03:46.852 N] Starting the bot!
      [22:03:46.913 N] You have 145 gold coins
      [22:03:56.517 N] Starting unranked game using deck with ID 91495588.
      [22:04:21.621 D] Unhandled global exception!
      [22:04:21.757 D] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent_was_never_fired
         at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout)
         at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
         at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected(IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args)
         at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected[T](IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoNative.[](IntPtr , Object[] ˆ)
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoNative.(UInt32 )
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.Dispose()
         at Triton.Game.Mono.MonoClass.Finalize()
    5. SteelBalls

      SteelBalls New Member

      Mar 23, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      my bot crashing too all time(
    6. WhereIsMyMind

      WhereIsMyMind Member

      Oct 12, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Same. I will start a thread of my experience and possible findings.


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