Good evening, A problem started occuring this afternoon wherein my druid would just keep popping into swift flight form, and back out over and over until out of mana. The log indicated it was going to pick up a quest, but would not move. I tested other characters witht the same profile, no problems. I also spoke with the author of the profile, and it doesn't look like thats the problem. I have also tried multiple CCs and its always the same thing. I bought a gryphon mount just to see if it would work since my other characters worked fine with normal mounts. However, even withthe auto detect and random boxes unchecker, and type the gryphon name into the mount box, it would still revert back to spamming swift flight form. If i started the bot while i was on the gryphon, it would fly to the quest, but the next time it would fly it just goes back to spamming flight form. Anyone seen this problem before? I dont know what else to do, I've re-SVNed the entire profile trunk, and I've done a fresh install of the latest HB.
post your log here as attachment and we will see whats going wrong