Hi. I have very annoying problem every few hours. Can be fixed only by closing hb, it never reconnects , looks like: [20:47:15.899 Q] Unrecognized error when connecting to host Fault [20:47:15.899 Q] Reconnect 1388 to Buddy service failed: Could not connect to the remote host. Retrying soon. [20:47:23.929 Q] Unrecognized error when connecting to host Fault [20:47:23.929 Q] Reconnect 1389 to Buddy service failed: Could not connect to the remote host. Retrying soon. [20:47:31.959 Q] Unrecognized error when connecting to host Fault [20:47:31.959 Q] Reconnect 1390 to Buddy service failed: Could not connect to the remote host. Retrying soon. *** 2 different routers / 2 different countries/providers/pc's Thigs i already tried: Deleted Settings Folder in hb Fresh install Disable AV/FIREWALL Tried different Pc's, Deleted all plugins View attachment 30524 2017-01-09 23.44.txt Hope you can help me.
Still getting this error. Even in another country. Tried 3 different Houses ( routers as well ). Power cycled my router. Nothing helped. I cant even farm. here's the shortest new Log on new HB version. After onyl 5 minutes of botting. As i described in my first post.: Deleted Settings Folder in hb Thigs i already tried: Fresh install Disable AV/FIREWALL Tried different Pc's, Deleted all plugins If only hb stop this useless reconnect and just closes HB, it will helps much more. cause he's never reconnecting back. But closing hb always works.
Latvia. Actually i'm getting 2 different errors, Ifrst is: Reconnecting to the buddy server. The second: Cannot start bot while not connected to the server, it's when bot stopped for no reason and i cant press start.
No, i have very stable internet connection, no wifi, and as i said , i checked 3 different routers in 3 different houses, even in another country. The same.