Hello, I just want to ask about the obvious question. After the Banned wave that happened almost 6 months ago, I would like to continue botting, but I am a bit afraid of getting banned again. I want to use it mostly for leveling up from 100 to 110 few characters ( No farming or dungeons ). I am a bit inexperience with the botting ( first time getting banned ) so I would like to have a bit of information. They will do another banned wave after the 6 months past? They will be checking ours accounts closely after been banned? I know that you will be tired of answering questions like this, I know that always there is a chance to get banned again, but what I mean is that if I start botting again, is going to be more risky than before, because I have been banned already for it. Thanks in advance (Sorry if my English is not perfect, hope you did understand me) Kind Regards
Although I was not in that ban wave and cannot give you relevant info on an account that was banned but released, I can tell you they will 100% be looking at your account the minute you sign back in for any public profiles that are easily traceable. Will you be banned in minutes, days, weeks, months? We can't be certain, but you have flags n the account already and it wont even be given a second thought for banning it completely. If I were you I'd buy a new account and drive that old one into the ground farming mats and gold then clean it all as best as you can for the new account.
The chances you get banned again are always there. Is it more likely than before? Probably not...But if you get caught again you'll get banned for 18 months, if not permanently.
I was apart of the banwave. I am using an account that was banned, and I am gathering rather recklessly at the moment. I figured, start of the xpac. Herb/Mining for 18 hours a day is worth it even if it gets banned. So far gone since launch botting, no problems. I am a low pop server, and I have only seen two other people botting with HB on the server. (gathering) We seem to all get along =D I've recently cut back to maybe 5 hours a day, just because I don't have the time at the moment to be checking at making sure things are good all the time.
Its plan and simple dont bot on a account you dont wanna loss....... its the number 1 rule rule 2 bot at your own risk. AT the end of the day there are 2 winners here Blizzard and Bosslands because they both get your money if you get banned or not
Idk if the flags follow the character or the account only. But in the past I have transferred characters to other accounts and had success with not getting banned. Not bullet-proof but worth a shot.
I am on a high pop server and often people will come to Suramar and shout "who is gathering?" and anyone who does not reply in shout and is still gathering they will report you for botting. Day to day banning is coming almost exclusively from player reports from other gatherers and botters reporting each other like cannibals.
Let me explain, i am botting like a robot, since i'm members here, some numbers : I am member since 2011. I bot minimum 10 Hours a day on my main account. My account is connected atleast 18H/24. I buy gold on different website, since 2007, with multiple various way of delivery. I am, i was until 2 years ago an hardcore player, within a well knowed top 3 world guild. I use all type of botting, Fishing, Leveling, Grinding, Dungeon, all but Raiding / PvP Bot. I did the mistake, a years ago, when i stopped to do PvE cause of family reason, to do pvp for gearing my caracter, and even with premium profile, i get banned for a years. Why i am telling you all of this, its because i think 2 things : Being an hardcore player with an hardcore environment like top guild, kinda protect you from banwaves. Botting on your main account isnt unsafe than bot on suicide account, i think its the opposite, i think if you bot on your main account, they perfectly know that many of us bot cause they are kinda bored of the same ritual shitty grinding in this game, that we did for a sick amount of times by hands, back in vanilla when nothing or almost was automized. And you ain't hurting anybody, since you're botting to make ur char progress, not faster than the others, not breaking the economy, just for you avoid to do that sick grinding necessary. And i think PvP botting is the biggest shit ever created. PvP player are over energized kid who rage easily wich i can understand, and they won't botter take 10 min to create an insane report on your botting statement. You can't automize in a serious meaning a PvP session, there is no occurence since u always fight against different people, with different reaction. So yeah, i come back to bot after my last ban, and i do all in like i did before, and still havent got any problem. I ain't doing anything special, i'm just tag in a server top guild, and no problem since now. By the times, i've got all class 110, i bot all of them to do the daily emissiary, and when all of this is done, i bot herb for my flask of all my alts and shit. And all of this on the same account.
I think it also depends a lot on what you are using the bot to do. Some accounts I have run nothing but leveling on and never ever had a single problem. Others that I have leveled and then farmed on have been pinged after various amounts of time (6-18 months). So I feel that some activities run a much higher risk of being reported and also I think Blizzard watches farming etc a lot closer than say leveling.