Hi, I have a problem. When I run like for an example a questing profile the questing part works fine. But when it starts attacking a monster it just use the first primary ability and then it stops using anything for the rest of the fight. The result is that it's just standing there auto attacking... I've tried diffrent CC's but they don't work either. Here's a log
How many buttons does a level 4 rogue have? I see he trained eviscerate and has sinister strike is that right?
Well, he had Sinister Strike and Eviscerate learned but the thing is that he only used Sinister Strike once when he started to attack the monster. He didn't use Sinister Strike for the rest of the fight even if he had 100 energy. Same with my Warrior, he had 100 rage but didnt use the abilities. And when this happend I can't run a quest profile or anything because it will only die. Do you get my problem? =)
Aight, thanks for the help anyways =) I'll try to make a Hunter instead. If you wanna see the problem with your own eyes we can use TeamViewer, just msg me =)