Hey, Using the Azenius project questing in Ashenvale and i'm getting this error over and over, the bot just stops. Here is my log View attachment 03-12-2011_18_19 4644 Log.txt
[18:19:44:434] Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 33421 in database. [18:19:44:434] Could not create current in quest bot! [18:19:44:434] Stop called! cache issue Gorka - NPC - World of Warcraft\ go there and press start
if it's the lady w/ bracelet quest... use the bracelet the bot should be doing this automatically ... i don't get many bug reports on it lately unless you d/c a lot
View attachment 04-12-2011_14_40 3520 Log.txt There. Just ran it again because i could not find my old log.
[14:40:51:028] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Andr?\ZsEa\Quest Behaviors\Hearthstone.cs' [14:40:51:042] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown [14:40:51:046] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\Andr?\ZsEa\Quest Behaviors\Hearthstone.cs'. File name: 'C:\Users\Andr?\ZsEa\Quest Behaviors\Hearthstone.cs' you gotta put his behaviors into your behaviors folder
Oh you're right just realised i downloaded the new version of HB and forgot to put the behaviors back in there... Really sorry to waste your time like that.