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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Unseenpanic, Dec 24, 2011.

    1. Unseenpanic

      Unseenpanic New Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      I was wondering if it is possible to have a setup for example with Pirox i had it set that i would buff with mark of the wild, then use a specific flask and eat a specific buff food every x many minutes but not use the buff food when i only needed to drink or eat after say a long fight i could specify a simple mana/health regen food as not to use all the buff food up to fast, ie eat the boff food/drink every 60 minutes for at least 10 secs to get the buff and keep it active along with use the flask every 60 minutes as wel to keep that buff active.

      is that possible or do i need to find a custom class that would allow me to specify that?

      Forgive my ignorance but that was one feature i loved about pirox

      As for Honorbuddy, i am really enjoying the program, keep the updates coming. Great program, to bad after the 25th i can't use them both anymore.

      Thanks again for all the help

    2. craftiestelk

      craftiestelk New Member

      Jun 3, 2011
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      This plugin here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/leveling/13152-plugin-elixir.html will use a flask when you need one. Not sure about food buff plugins, never used one. Mark of the Wild should be done by your CustomClass, at least Fpsware Druid does it and I figure most druid CCs do.

      Most of this kind of thing (that is, stuff not directly related to a specific class) is often found as plugins. Looking in the Plugin sub-forum is a good start when trying to find something :)

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