Hi, so first, i want to use this primalry for questing, how good is it in that reagrd? second, is it a rather noob friendly/easy to set up? I know from other bots that setting up profiles and such are rather fiddly and not smooth. thx
It works just fine for questing, but if you're going to use the "official" questing pack for Lv1-50, you're going to have to "persuade" it a bit to work with you anytime you run into "No viable path" errors. For these, you just need to figure out which quest objective it is trying to complete, move to that zone manually and start RB again. It can be annoying at times, but so long as you keep up with it, it's still better than manually questing. There may be an alternative in the works, but not ETA atm.
Soon. I've spent the last month totally rewriting our backend tools because they were orginally created in a rush to get something working, and as such everything was mashed together into one giant blob that was barely functioning. Now with the rewrite almost complete I can start work on a comprehensive new tag, GetTo(name pending) which will serve to handle moving players from map a to map q via teleport to R then running to Q or even point Z on map A by going to aethernet λ.