Hello I wanted to know if there be a plugin for craft ? copper ingot kind of boring because it's great to do Bonjour je voulais savoir si il exister un plugin pour craft ? du genre des lingot de cuivre car c'est super chiant a faire
crafty, supposedly, but it keeps telling me my recipe names are wrong and to check my typing anyone know anything about crafty and how to properly use it?
I had a similar issue. Make sure your CraftBuddy folder inside your plugins is named "CraftBuddy" otherwise it won't be able to find the correct directory path to your recipes. It should be something like "Rebornbuddy\Plugins\CraftBuddy\Data\Recipes"
It is not possible to modify RPGItems with Skript. You cannot make crafting recipes with Skript either, unless you don't want to use the crafting table GUI for it. I have the same plugin and I find that RecipeCreator works perfectly with RPGItems for making crafting recipes. As for powers, you can script extra powers based on the item names.