When i try to open heathbuddy crash, this is my log View attachment Hearthbuddy 4964 2015-01-04 16.27.txt
install this https://www.thebuddyforum.com/attac...t-try-buddy-dependency-wizard-buddywizard-zip and let me know also if you have any antivirus/firewall enabled set exceptions for HsB
I have the same insue everytime i try to run the Hearthbuddy, just crash everytime, already tryed disable the anti-virus and still crash. View attachment Hearthbuddy 4244 2015-01-06 13.09.txt
Ok i already fixed the problem, for all the begginers that will have the problem on crash start up, install the buddy wizard with your anti-virus off, and then you can run the Hearthbuddy.