I'm running into an odd behavior when writing some custom tags. It seems that when I use my custom tag as the last tag in an order profile, the tag has CreateBehavior run twice, and that behavior execute twice. I was trying to figure out what I had done (or wasn't doing) to make this behavior occur but it also seems like some built-in tags exude this behavior as well. For example, this profile will run the last (and only) node twice Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Profile> <Name>Test Message</Name> <Order> <LogMessage Message="Test message 123"/> </Order> </Profile> The log will show that the LogMessage tag behavior was run twice. One message is shown before the profile completes, and one is shown after. Code: [23:41:21.632 N] Test message 123 [23:41:21.697 N] Profile completed [23:41:21.697 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Profile Completed [23:41:21.697 N] Test message 123 Does anyone happen to know why this might be happening?
Probably were getting off an extra tick before the bot completes pulsing the tree. I wouldn't worry about it.