hi, im currently trying to add this Code: <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/run for i=1,GetNumTradeSkills() do if GetTradeSkillInfo(i)=="Jagged Jasper" then DoTradeSkill(i) break end end" /> the problem is "Jagged Jasper" - having "" within another pair of "" doesnt seem to work and makes sense does anybody know how i would need to edit this to work ?
ok, so far ive tried: ' " \" \' instead of " but none of the work is it possible to put the macro into an action bar and have HB press the key where the macro is? or is it possible to make the macro use the item/spellid instead of the to be crafted itemname? (i hope when using id's the "" wont be needed ) EDIT: is it possible to use <CastSpellAction Entry="74537" Repeat="1" RepeatType="Craftable" /> with questing botbase ?