Hey guys, ive been trying to follow this guide http://www.thebuddyforum.com/genera...ating-your-own-private-profiles-easy-way.html on how to make profiles. After i got all the pathing done in Uldum (i made sure i never zoned out of Uldum) i added a repair vendor, mailbox and some blackspots from other public profiles. When i try to run my profile, it works for a while. It does pick up a couple of nodes and then suddenly when i am at the middle of the map in Uldum it just turns 90 degrees and goes straight into Silithus! When the bot does this, i get no errors i HB(GB2) either, just "moving to hotspot". I tried to create another profile from scratch in Uldum after that and the same happened, just another place on the map. Thanks in advance for any help!
give us your Hb log and upload the profile as well http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/9859-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-pictures.html
Attached latest logs and the profile. I see other people reporting this and they had to blacklist all of these spots. I dno what to do. View attachment 28.02.2012_23_56 4012 Log.txt View attachment Uldum[28650].xml
seems like your X Y Z you put in might of got corrupt or something. anyways have a look at this http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...9-app-mapgen-profile-generating-tool-gb2.html