I'm looking for a fairly brief overview/guide to creating HB grinding profiles. I'm an experienced botter, but new to HB. All previous bots I've used (Glider, OB, etc) have provided a fairly simple waypoint design, but HB doesn't seem to follow the same style. Can anyone provide a brief explanation, or link to an existing guide? I'm fairly literate, and will catch on quickly if someone can just provide the basics. Much appreciated.
I asked the same question and was told to check out the wiki xD There's an empty profile there, all u need to add are hotspots, protected & mail items, and maybe a vendor/mailbox -edit and perhaps add the right factions
Quick, stupid question from me on this topic. How do you get the co-ordinates used by HB? Carbonite or any other addon doesn't show them in that much detail. do they include height or something?
In HB, on the tab "Profiles & Meshes" there's a button called "My Position"... should be what u're looking for
Any suggested profile creator plugins for a simple grinding profile? I see several options out there, I just don't know which one(s) are most liked. eProfilecreator is what I have my eye on so far.
The answer is no. The reason the answer is no is because they are not waypoints, they are hotspots. A hotspot is a point on the map with a set radius, this merely defines where to kill and not how to travel. If you want to make a profile which uses hotspots to travel then you need to look at adding stuff like RandomizeHotspots and MaximumHotspotTime which is declared in ms.
eProfileCreator, ProfileMaker, CreateProfile, etc are all plugins I was looking for. That's all I needed.