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  • Curiosity question after being banned / appealed

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Quadroon, Jul 21, 2013.

    1. Quadroon

      Quadroon Member

      May 4, 2011
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      How long do they watch your account if at all? As in would it be safe to use HB for solely LFR/dungeons for rotations and me moving the bot? Or do they actually see I'm using HB even then? So yeah just wondering ... should I just never bot again on this account, or wait a bit like a week or more? Curious what ya'll do, thanks for any info :)
    2. joeblow

      joeblow New Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      I would like to know this to?
      using tyrael and a combat routine SAFE..

      I recently was suspended 4 days ago and I don't know if it was from using the combat routine setup or from weeks prior for questing. so I would like to know if anyone has experience/knowledge.
    3. Quadroon

      Quadroon Member

      May 4, 2011
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      Follow up ... do they SEE HB being used if just in LFR / dungeons with Tyreal or Lazyraider once you've been banned and appealed (ie - have you seen that they LOOK for that shit once you have done it on that account?) I gotta admit ... I'm playin my toons manually and after so long being on WoW I'm just crazy bored. I plan to pass guild master to a friend since they know I bot and dont care and have tried themselves, in case I get banned for good at least my friends wont be stranded lol.

      I truly just wanna know, whats the soonest you have botted again after getting a ban to appeal on an account?
    4. ak2015

      ak2015 Banned

      Jul 16, 2013
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      The reason you got banned and I can tell you from experience is the 400 auctions, and also the 10hr botting if that's daily then the likelihood of being banned is increased. I have experience with botting and will post some detail on how not to get banned. I have lost over 50 accounts and own over 200. Due to the fact that I sell accounts and gold, I know a lot of the bans that hit and why. The major factor is not watching your bot, then when something glitches u don't know and that easily will hit a ban. Next hours of play, limit it too 4-8 hrs a day, and have multiple accounts just so u can have a wide spread of times to bot, if u wanna bot 24/7 then do so with 3 accounts rather than a single one. It costs more but in the long run its better. Thirdly, their is no such thing as easy money/gold; take that as a means for limiting yourself to doing things fast, why else do people get banned, they wanna have it all now! Don't post auctions is a simple rule and that in itself 400+ they check to see how it was gotten and whether it was botted. Don't post auctions ever on mains just wholesale it all for cheaper so then no one knows where it came from, or post on a vanilla account

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